Ian Hodkinson
Bringing history to life

About Ian Hodkinson
I served as a member of the Royal Air Force (RAF) for a total of 28 Years (24 Regular and 4 Full Time Reservist), specialising in the field of Human Resources and Welfare. Retiring in 2012, I am now working for the NHS as an Administrative Support Manager. I have had a lifelong passion for History, in particular Military History and began guiding tours whilst still serving in the RAF visiting Battlefields across Europe.
WWI and WWII, Bomber and Fighter Command in WWII
Favourite Tour
I don’t have a particular favourite tour as I find each and every tour and area visited holds a special meaning and significance.
The Battlefields, the Men and the Origins of WWI and WWII
I Would Recommend
That's a hard one. All the tours offer their own perspective and have particular interest to me. However, I never tire of visiting the Somme. The scale of the fighting, the tranquility of the area today and the many memorials - both personal and National lead to a feeling of intense emotion. As a result, I would recommend any visitor to Walk the Somme.
My Most Memorable Experience
Every tour and every Battlefield I have visited has been memorable. However, my first tour with a group (16) of RAF Personnel of differing ranks and ages was a highlight. Visiting Ypres and Passchendaele, whilst discussing the Air War and subsequent Ground actions, the heavens opened (it was late October). Up went a number of umbrella’s and after a little telling off from me, down came a number umbrella’s!!