Paul Reed
Bringing history to life

About Paul Reed - Head Battlefield Guide
I have had a life-long interest in military history, my father being a WW2 veteran and both my grandfathers serving in WW1. I read history at University and went on to do a Masters. I began working as a Battlefield Guide in 1987 and joined Leger for their first ever battlefield tour in April 1997.
When not working for Leger, I work as a Military Historian in television; in the past few years I have worked on numerous documentaries for BBC, Channel 4 and Channel 5 relating to WW1 and WW2 including ‘Dig WW2’ with Dan Snow and ‘WW1 Tunnels of Death’.
I’m also the author of a number of books on WW1 and WW2 including the best-selling Walking The Somme, Great War Lives and Walking D-Day.
From Waterloo to the Cold War, especially WW1 and WW2
Favourite Tour
Italian Battlefields of WW2; as my father fought there.
Military History
I Would Recommend
Once you have been on any of our coach-based introductory tours I would always recommend one of our many battlefield walking tours. Walking the ground where the combat took place adds a new dimension to battlefield visits and enables you to see locations well off the beaten track.
My Most Memorable Experience
In more than 15 years of guiding with Leger I have been privileged to have many amazing and moving experiences. Being with veterans is always a special pleasure and being able to take people to a relative’s grave is humbling.
But one I will never forget is the day I helped one of our Leger groups scatter the ashes of a Great War veteran on the battlefield where he fought on the Somme in 1916; it was his dying wish to rejoin his mates. An Army Bugler played as the ashes were scattered a bugle call that had last been sounded in 1918. A very special day!
Follow Me On The Frontline

Walking through the trenches at Apremont
Paul Reed at the main square of Colditz
Paul Reed looking at where Violette Szabo GC stayed