Scott Brand
Bringing history to life

About Scott Brand
Born and raised in Australia, I spent a period with an Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment with the Australian Army, before travelling and finally settling in the UK. Since Being in the UK, I have been a Police Officer and still currently serving.
My interest in Military History was sparked as a schoolboy and that passion has continued ever since. I have had two Great Great Uncles who saw service in the Great War with the AIF, one of whom died at Messines the other on the Somme, my father was a Medic during WW2 with the British Army and my Grandfather was with an Anti Tank Unit with the Australian Army also during WW2.
Great War Battlefields of the Western Front
Favourite Tour
Walking the Somme
History, Photography, Travelling and the Vietnam War
I Would Recommend
I would recommend for the first time visitor to the Western Front the All Quiet on The Western Fronttour . It provides an excellent overview of the Western Front before partaking in a more specialist tour. I enjoy the Walking the Somme tour and would recommend that for anyone wanting to actually walk in the steps of the men who fought on the Somme.
My Most Memorable Experience
My most memorable moment was whilst on a walking tour on the Somme, I had the son of a veteran who was wounded on the 1st July 1916 in the group. Having him with us as we